Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Longwood's Chapter Excellence Program

When I first held an executive council position in my chapter one of the things I least liked was something called "Requalification". I did not know it at first but I quickly learned this was the program (that had been established years ago)that Longwood's Greek Office used to evaluate all chapters on campus. However this was not a very good program because of the requirements set and jsut various reasons it was out of date or out of reach for our campus.

Last spring semester I was on a committee to rework our "requal" program and in that committee the name was changed to the chapter excellence program. We looked at several other campuses who had similiar greek communities to ours and created our own program that all chapters would have a fair chance to earn their rank. The basis of our chapter excellence program is:

Ritual- Pledge service, initiation, officer installation, collegiate to alumna ceremony, ritual review, alumni participation, and ritual equipment upkeep

Scholarship- Established scholarship plan, scholarship incentive programs, scholarship banquet, and monies devoted to improving scholarship

Community Service/ Philanthropy- Service hours, Philanthropic events attended, money donated

Leadership- International convention attendance, LEADERSHAPE attendance, officer tranistion program, chapter goals

Growth/Recruitment/Retention- New member plan, recruitment plans, recruitment functions, recruitment budget, programs geared toward new/current/senior members

Chapter Standards/ Membership Accountability- Standards board, code of standards, risk management, risk management programs and workshops, chapter meeting minutes,

Finances- properly prepared budget information

External Relations- Overall chapter participation, communication with alumni, alumni event participation, Listserv for alumni, communication with parents, Gamma Lambda website

Brotherhood/Sisterhood- chapter programs with outside presenters, activities recognition system, sisterhood events

Housing- established house rules

Each of the bolded headings above are given a points value between 5 and 6 points and the completion of each of the activites within that section determine what point value the chapter recieves. Then the points are added up and the chapters score out of 60 total points give the percentage, therefore creating chapter excellence determined on a percentage scale.

I am not positive because I am no longer in the position on the panhellenic chapter excellence committee but the goal in the beginning was to then deem chapters either gold, silver, bronze, etc. depending on their over percentage after the chapter excellence form is completed.

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